Crepuscular Rays
Sunrise - January, 2021
Painted completely within Inkscape - July, 2023
Printed on Arnhem’s acid-free rag paper
In January, 2021, we saw a beautiful sunrise while walking on the beach.
I was looking at a photo album, which included a picture of the sunrise by my brother-in-law, Larry Rosenfeld.
That stimulated my thinking to make something similar - but with a little more color.
The Final Print
Arnhem’s Rag paper is very heavy at 320 gsm.
This is made from 100% cotton rag by Schut Papier in Arnhem, Holland.
The absorbent fibers allows us to create rich, and soft colors.
The paper’s texture allows us to soften the lines.
Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.