Flight #3

Painted completely within a vector graphics program called Inkscape - March, 2024

After reviewing Flight #2 with my “in-house” critic, I opted to change the green background to a more neutral yellow/gold.

Flight #2 was printed off site. Now that I have a wide carriage printer, I opted to create it here.

This provided far more print controls and made a stronger image.

After creating the final, we let the print sit for 4 weeks.

It takes that long for ink to fully dry on canvas.

We then placed 2 layers of a coat to protect it - if the coating was done too early, the dark colors would have bled.

1 print was finished.

It is 36" wide x 24" height - printed on Hahnemühle German Etching, 100% cellulose paper, made with archival standards

Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.