Flight - The Final Shot
Painted completely within a vector graphics program called Inkscape - June, 2023
Flight - The Final Shot is part of a continuing series of works studying flight, near flight, and our human effort to fly.
This work was inspired by a wonderful photograph by Ashley Landis of Associated Press.
I opted not to use photographic tools to manipulate but placed the photo on a small easel and “painted” with a mouse in vector graphics.
Artistic License was used: the “painting” is not fully realistic, many properties were removed and others enhanced.
This enabled me to focus on the grace, form, dynamics, and athleticism.
Well coached basketball players, perform very similar to a dance choreography.
In this situation, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, moves into a trap of two on one.
Their elevation off the ground - plus their beautiful form and body conditioning - make this similar to a dance.
As in all my work creating the final print involved making a series of test prints.
After each sample run, I went back and modified Flight - The Final Shot even more.
This took a series of weeks to create in 2023. In February, 2024, I completed the print.
A monoprint - 1 print was finished.
The final print is 24" wide x 36" height.
Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.